Tips to Achieve SolSmart Designation Webinar

Thursday, March 24, 2022 -
3:00pm to 4:30pm

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) encourages local governments to support solar energy projects within their communities as a strategy to mitigate the load on conventional power plants and increase grid resiliency. One way to support solar is to become designated as a SolSmart community! SolSmart is a national designation program recognizing communities supporting solar growth and helping to reduce the barriers to solar adoption.

The "Tips to Achieve SolSmart Designation in North Texas" webinar discusses the SolSmart designation process and implementation strategies to obtain points towards designation, including the adoption of solar-ready code provisions and the SolarAPP+ tool.

Webinar Presentation: Tips to Achieve SolSmart Designation in North Texas Presentation

Webinar Recording: Tips To Achieve SolSmart Designation in North Texas - YouTube